I know what you are thinking...And no John Piper is not a terrorist. As I was taking in my daily Desiring God fix, I noticed that they were offering video clips of various sermons that John Piper had done in Brazil in the early '90s. After about five minutes into my first clip I witnessed something I've never seen in a John Piper sermon before...A gun and a knife. We aren't talking about just any knife either! This thing has Crocodile Dundee written all over it. All humor aside, it is quite fascinating to see John Piper preach a sentence, and then wait for it to be translated, and then preach another sentence, and so on. While I don't speak Portuguese, the translator did a great job of relaying the power behind Piper's preaching. I would suggest that if any of you have time, please take a gander at these videos. You get to see a few things you may never see elsewhere....
1. Young John Piper
2. Sentence by Sentence Translation Preaching
3. Gun Toting, Knife Wielding John Piper
4. God Exalting, Joy Infused Preaching
Ok, the last one you see in basically every one of his sermons, but you get the point. Check these out before they fade into the archives of Desiring God.
Portuguese Preaching
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