With the Desiring God Conference approaching in September, I thought it would be wise to look at all of the books I own, establish which ones I haven't read, and read those before I buy more books at the conference. Since I already have so many books to read, it doesn't make a lot of sense to buy more, but then again, that's part of the fun of going to a conference. It would be like going to Disney World and coming back without a t-shirt or mouse ears.
So in lieu of the conference, I have compiled a list of books that I own that I have not yet read. On a side note, my wife was watching me write down the titles of all my books and in the most loving way said, "Are you writing down the books you haven't read? That's going to be discouraging..."
Yes, yes it is. Overwhelming even. I don't plan on reading all of these by the conference, although that would be a fun goal. These are the books that I plan on reading for the rest of 2008. God help me.
This list is in no particular order.
The History of the Church
John Stott
The Cross of Christ
Basic Christianity
The Incomparable Christ
David Powlison
Seeing With New Eyes
Jeremiah Burroughs
Gospel Fear
Gospel Worship
A Treatise on Earthly Mindedness
The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit
R.C. Sproul
The Truth of the Cross
The Holiness of God
Chosen By God
Scripture Alone
Mark Dever
What is a Healthy Church
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism
Al Mohler
Culture Shift
Thabiti Anyabwile
The Faithful Preacher
John Piper
The Future of Justification
Battling Unbelief
Brothers We Are Not Professionals
Don't Waste Your Life
Future Grace
A Hunger for God
Let the Nations Be Glad!
The Pleasures of God
What Jesus Demands from the World
John MacArthur
The Gospel According to Jesus
David Wells
The Courage to Be Protestant
DA Carson
Christ and Culture Revisited
Bob Kauflin
Worship Matters
John Bunyan
Pilgrim's Progress
John Foxe
Foxe's Book of Martyrs
Thomas a Kempis
The Imitation of Christ
John Owen
Overcoming Sin & Temptation
Burk Parsons
Assured By God
Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Preaching and Preachers
CH Spurgeon
Lectures to My Students
Sam Storms
Pleasures Evermore
Noel Piper
Treasuring God in Our Traditions
John Wesley
The Journal of John Wesley
In My Place Condemned He Stood
De Young/Kluck
Why We're Not Emergent
Preaching the Cross
Pierced for Our Transgressions
If You Could Ask God One Question
Christianity Explored
A God Entranced Vision of All Things
Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching
(By the way, the image above is not my bookshelf. I found this image here: www.joeclipart.com/blog/archives/photo/)
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