Friday, January 30, 2015

O the Unsearchable Riches of Christ's Love!

I have begun to read a devotional titled Voices from the Past that I picked up during a Banner of Truth sale last year.  It is a collection of Puritan writings condensed into brief paragraphs for daily reading.  I appreciated what I read this morning and thought I would share it with you in hope that it would kindle your affection for the Savior.  Enjoy!
Rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory. 1 Peter 1: 8 
The glorious riches of Christ’s love cannot be expressed but in the language of paradise; it cannot be understood but by a transported soul, a spirit caught up to the third heaven. The expressions, which the Spirit uses for us to understand, are such that we realize we cannot fully apprehend them. He tells us of joy unspeakable (1 Pet. 1: 8), peace passing understanding (Phil. 4: 7), love passing knowledge (Eph. 3: 19), and riches unsearchable (Eph. 3: 8). These streams are drops of love— Christ is the fountain, the ocean; these are sparks— he has given us the Sun. His love gives us an interest in the glorious Trinity. The holy and uncreated Spirit is ours, his graces and comforts are ours. The Father also is ours; all that he is, all his glorious attributes, his all-sufficiency, wisdom, power, mercy, justice, truth, and faithfulness. His decrees are the spring of our happiness (Eph. 1: 4-5). His providence carries us with full sail into the ocean of glory. Heaven is our home, and earth is our inn, to accommodate us in our pilgrimage, and angels, they are our guard (Matt. 4: 6). And now, what is there in heaven and earth that the love of Christ has not made ours? There is nothing left but himself. And, alas, what would all these things profit, if we lack him? Without Christ, earth would be hell, and heaven would not be heaven. He is the hope of earth, and the glory of heaven. See here the height of his love; he has given us himself, and all with himself. His love would let nothing be withheld from us: not his life— he gave his life a ransom for us; not his blood— he washed us in his blood; not his glory—‘ The glory that you have given me I have given to them’ (John 17: 22). O boundless love! O the unsearchable riches of Christ’s love! O happy souls that have an interest in his love, and in these riches!
Richard Rushing. Voices from the Past (Kindle Locations 500-513). The Banner of Truth Trust.

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