I thought that it would be a fun project to see how Christianity has been documented over the past hundred years or so, and somehow ended up at the NY Times website. They have archived articles that go all the way back to 1851 and they are basically scanned copies of the originals. Thus begins my new series: According to the Times. This will be a kind of on again, off again series, and hopefully over time I can develop a "Times Timeline of Christian People & Events" that will be both fun and educational...Seriously though, I'm excited. So without further ado, I give you series post #1, "C.H. Spurgeon 1857". (Keep in mind, Spurgeon was only 23 years old in 1857.)
March 16th, 1857: Personals
March 28th, 1857: Books of the Week
July 16th, 1857: Moral and Religious Intelligence
August 8th, 1857: Moral and Religious Intelligence (This article sounds like it was written about Mark Driscoll!)
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