In light of the upcoming Together for the Gospel (T4G) conference (4 days!), I thought it would be fun to make some predictions on what books they will be giving away this year. This is the list that I have from the conference in '06 courtesy of
The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter
The Deliberate Church by Mark Dever and Paul Alexander
Getting The Gospel Right by R.C. Sproul
Women’s Ministry in the Local Church by Ligon Duncan and Susan Hunt
Give Praise To God (a tribute to James Boice)
Paperback ESV Bible
God Is The Gospel by John Piper
Counted Righteous in Christ by John Piper
Sex, Romance and the Glory of God by C.J. Mahaney
Humility: True Greatness by C.J. Mahaney
Speaking the Truth in Love by David Powlison
Why One Way? by John MacArthur
Hardcover N.A.S.B. MacArthur Study Bible
Just to put this in persepctive, that is roughly $200 worth of free books!
Here are my predictions for this year:
The Bruied Reed by Richard Sibbes
Twelve Challenges Churches Face by Mark Dever
Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin
In My Place Condemned He Stood by J.I. Packer & Mark Dever
Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor D.A. Carson
ESV Literary Study Bible (Doubt it)
Brothers We Are Not Professionals by John Piper
The Supremacy of Christ in Preaching by John Piper
Living the Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney
Seeing With New Eyes by David Powlison
The Truth War by John MacArthur
I already have some of these, and I highly doubt that some of these titles would be given away, but here's hoping anyway!
Now it's your turn! What books do you think will be given away this year?
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