Here we go. It is no secret to my close friends that I am not exactly fond of the seeker sensitive movement. I believe strongly that 'no one seeks for God'. For some reason many people assume that if you don't agree with seeker sensitive ideals, you must not like people that are curious about God. This could not be further from the truth. I believe that the church has and always will be primarily for believers. The church in Acts appears to be this way, as well as most churches in the centuries following. There is evidence that non-believers were welcome during early morning worship, but the time of fellowship and praise does not seem to be geared towards the lost. Again, this does not mean that non-believers were cast out if discovered. That would be absolutely ridiculous. There is a common saying that I've heard a lot recently that I absolutely agree with:
"We are not seeker-sensitive during Sunday morning worship, but we are definitely not seeker-insensitive."
This sums up my position. I think that the best argument that I have seen in opposition to the seeker-sensitive movement was spoken by R.C. Sproul and Al Mohler. I ran into this video on YouTube and I was very impressed by the answers given by these men. I am not entirely sure which conference this video is from, but it seems to be hosted by Ligonier Ministries. The one thing that bothers me is the audience's reaction to the question, "What do you think about the seeker-sensitive movement?". Laughter after such a question does not show grace, but a lack of humility. Instead of laughing at what appears to be the foolishness of others, they should be humble and pray for the churches that are wrapped up in this 'ideal'. Anyway, here is the video. Enjoy!
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ReplyDeleteI agree with what you're saying about the church being a body of believers and the fact that no one, on their own, seeks after God. Certainly if a person seeks, it is God at work in them. I wonder, however, if you mean that 'no one seeks after God of his own will,' rather than just saying no one seeks after God. Before I go any further, I'll simply ask if that's what you meant to say.
Eric, I believe that I will post my response on the main body of the site rather than in this comment box. That will give me the space needed to give you a proper answer. I hope this is alright. I will try to be quick in my reply.