Sunday, February 24, 2008

Corporate Prayer in the Local Church

Over the last month or so our church has been really trying to focus on prayer. We did 24 hours of prayer to start it all off, and have been attempting 40 Days of Prayer as well. Our pastors have been teaching on the practicalities of prayer as well as the importance of giving God absolute praise and honor for his interceding on our behalf. Right before we started this whole thing 9Marks distributed a 9Marks eJournal for January/February. Oddly enough, it focused on corporate prayer in the local church. I wanted to make this eJournal available because I greatly respect the heart of 9Marks and their mission to equip local churches for the glory of God. For instance, this is their mission statement:

We believe the local church is the focal point of God's plan for displaying his glory to the nations. Our vision is simple: Churches that reflect the character of God.

First, I have to say that I do not agree with EVERYTHING in the journal, but I was motivated and challenged by a lot of it. Some of the ideas and convictions held in this eJournal will probably bug you if you are really set in your ways, but that just means it's probably good for you.

Second, there is a lot of stuff in this eJournal so be prepared for a long read. It is basically a small pamphlet so be forewarned if you plan to read the whole thing. You may need to read a bit, and then come back to it later. You can also subscribe to the eJounral at

I hope that this gives you some new ideas! Enjoy!

Click here to read the PDF version.

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